VCFSE Metro Mayor Manifesto Final Draft Survey

Following on from our VCFSE LCR Manifesto Consultation events across the sector during March 2021, we have produced a final draft of the manifesto using your feedback and ideas.

We have put together a short survey (2 minutes completion time) for your final thoughts and sign off of this draft. This survey will be the final consultation with the sector and is an opportunity to share any final thoughts prior to the manifesto being finalised, published and shared with LCR Metro Mayor Candidates for their commitment. A separate document will be produced following the publication of the manifesto which will detail how we will achieve the manifesto commitments working with the Combined Authority.

*Please note the deadline for survey responses is 12 noon this Friday 9th April*

Please make sure you have read the latest version of the manifesto before completing the survey. Thank you.

Final Draft


The LCR VCFSE Manifesto 2021


The Metro Mayor VCFSE Sector Hustings