The LCR VCFSE Manifesto 2021

VS6 are pleased to present the manifesto for the Liverpool City Region Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector for 2021-2024. 

The manifesto showcases the aims and ambitions of the sector over the next three years. It is a presentation of how we want to work with the Combined Authority, in order to develop a resilient and sustainable LCR sector. The manifesto reflects on the events and challenges over the past 12 months; it explores how the sector- who put community support first- has mobilised and transformed in the face of increased demand, despite a reduction in income.   

We also look at how we can harness the energy of the sector and the cross-sector collaborative relationships that have formed and cemented throughout the last year, in order build back an economy that works for everyone. In doing so, we can continue to work together to truly address inequalities throughout the City Region. 

The manifesto has been developed in collaboration with the VCFSE sector across Liverpool City Region, following 12 months of engagement including various assemblies, and two consultation events held as the manifesto was being drafted. Various drafted manifestos have been shared and issued for further comments and have been edited accordingly.  

In advance of the Metro Mayor election in May 2021, we will be sharing the manifesto with all candidates. They will be asked to to sign up and commit to working closely with the sector in Liverpool City Region to achieve the vision we have set out. 

We will also be producing a manifesto delivery plan, again in collaboration with the sector. This will detail how we will work with the Combined Authority and what actions we will take in order to realise the ambitions set out; more details of this will follow. 

We would like to take the time to thank the VCFSE sector across the City Region for their input into the development of the manifesto, and of course for their continued hard work and dedication to supporting our communities. 

If you’ve not yet signed up to attend the Mayoral Hustings taking place next Tuesday 20th April at 2pm, you can still do so here.

Read the manifesto in full here


The LCR VCFSE Hustings Summary


VCFSE Metro Mayor Manifesto Final Draft Survey