VS6 Assemblies Animation Video

Earlier this year VS6 published their Assembly Summary Report “Building Back Better with the VCFSE Sector in Liverpool City Region”. The report summarises the key findings and recommendations from four assemblies held throughout 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the sector and specific community groups and topics including: 

Following the success of the Assemblies, VS6 have produced this explanation video to promote both the Assembly Reports, and highlight the effectiveness of the assembly format as a way to engage with the sector at such a crucial time, despite social distancing barriers. 

Please take a look at our video, and feel free to share it amongst your networks and media: 

Our Assembly Reports and associated recommendations have been essential to the conversations we have had with the LCR Combined Authority and have formed the foundations to our LCR VCFSE Manifesto, to which Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram has committed to

VS6 will continue to engage with the VCFSE sector to understand the needs of the sector and our communities so that we can continue to represent the sector in our work with the LCR Combined Authority and with our partners from the public and private sector across the region. 

Please keep an eye out for our next events by following us on Twitter @vs6news and regularly checking our website for the latest news. 


The Success of the LCR Cares Community Support Fund.


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