UK-Shared Prosperity Fund update from the VS6 Partnership

 Following on from the VS6 “UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Making the case for Liverpool City Region's VCFSE Sector” event held in May, the VS6 Partnership have continued to strive to work with the Combined Authority to shape the Liverpool City Region’s UK-SPF investment plan. Place based VCFSE leaders from our CVSs have also been working with local authority colleagues to advocate for the sector at a local level.


To expand more upon the work of the VS6 Partnership and provide an update on the current position, as well as the Combined Authorities draft investment plan, we have produced a briefing for the VCFSE sector. The briefing goes into more detail of the progress made, challenges faced and next steps once the Combined Authority investment plan is finalised.


Please access the VS6 UK-SPF Update Briefing by clicking here.

 Additionally, you can also access the Combined Authority Draft investment Plan by clicking here.


Please keep an eye on the VS6 website and Twitter (@vs6news) for further updates on the UK-SPF and the VCFSE sector. For any further questions, please contact Laura Tilston, VS6 Policy and Research Officer at


Supporting the voice of the sector


VS6 launch Liverpool City Region VCFSE “explainer” video