Latest weekly discussion with the Metro Mayor

On Monday 4th May, members of the VS6 Partnership were pleased to join a call with the Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram. A number of items were discussed including an update on the VCFSE sector’s response to Covid-19 and issues facing the sector. It was highlighted how the VCFSE Sector is reacting to Covid in a number of broadly defined and overlapping ways:

  • Response: Direct action and reshaping of current services to address the impact of the Crisis.

  • Redesign: Redesigning frontline VCFSE services to deal with current operating environment

  • Recovery: At this stage, assessing business/organisational/trading models and drawing on reserves, but moving towards a more consistent and strategic approach to developing sustainable models for VCFSE organisations & communities.

VS6 pledged to continue to be the conduit for feedback from the sector and is planning a series of online meetings with VCFSE organisations themed around specific issues, with the aim of identifying the pinch points and what the challenges are for the Sector and our communities.


Build Back Better: Draft recommendations for a Five Point C&YP Recovery Plan


VS6 holds weekly call with the Metro Mayor