Call for applications for the new VS6 equalities reference group


Applications are now open to become a VCFSE representative on the newly developed VS6+ Equalities Reference Group.

In April 2021, the VS6 Partnership published the LCR VCFSE Manifesto for 2021-24 following extensive engagement with the VCFSE sector across the region. The manifesto contains the key ambitions for the sector over the next three years, and the recently published Year One Manifesto Delivery Plan outlines the priority delivery areas for 2021-2022.

One of these key priority areas is to address the gap in LCR VCFSE specialist generalist infrastructure support for our specialist Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic VCFSE equalities organisations. This need was identified following the VS6 Equalities Assembly, held in July 2020, which brought together equalities organisations from across the city region to discuss how we can challenge and break down structural racial inequalities in LCR.

VS6 has also been working with the LCR Combined Authority Race Equality Programme to understand how VCFSE infrastructure support can fit in alongside this work to ensure the voices of our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic organisations are heard at an LCR level.

The VS6+ Equalities Reference Group has therefore been developed as an outcome of the assembly, to guide the work of VS6, act as a key voice and advocate to identify and influence solutions that address the needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic organisations in LCR. The group will consist of senior leadership representatives from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic organisations from across LCR, with 3 representatives from each borough.

The following criteria is required to apply for membership of the core reference group:

1.       Currently undertaking a senior leadership role within a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic VCFSE organisation within one of the 6 LCR boroughs.

2.       Preferably be representative of the communities they work with and therefore from a Black, Asian or other Minority Ethnic background.

3.       Must have the capacity to meet at least every two months for up to two hours

4.       Must represent a constituted group – we welcome applicants from small organisations.

5.       Must have a demonstrable commitment to racial justice, social justice and equality


Applications will be via an Expression of Interest form and will be open from Wednesday 8th December until Monday 10th January 5 pm.

A panel will meet the week of the 17th of January to assess applications, with successful applicants being informed that same week. The first meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 25th January 2 pm-5 pm.

For more details on the functionality of the group and to apply to be a member, please access the Information and Expression of Interest form here.

Please submit your completed applications to Karen Conway, by Monday 10th January 5pm.

If you have any queries regarding the VS6+ Equalities Reference Group, please contact Laura Tilston,

We look forward to receiving your applications to be a member of this new and exciting group.

VS6 is a partnership of infrastructure support organisations working with the 8,600 voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) groups operating across our Liverpool City Region.

VS6 work together to champion the vital role our sector does and could play in the future of the City Region, while seeking to shape local policy and implementation for the benefit of our communities.


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