VS6 Publishes VCFSE Recovery Paper

The VS6 Parternship has today published a paper demonstrating the contribution of the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector in the emergency response across the Liverpool City Region, and their involvement in recovery planning. A copy has been sent to the Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram.

This paper provides an overview of the involvement of VCFSE organisations in the emergency response to Covid-19 across Liverpool City Region, lists some of the emerging issues currently faced by the sector and makes a number of recommendations for consideration in the post-Covid-19 recovery planning.

It contains several recommendations for recovery planning, namely:

  • Involve local VCFSE leaders in a relevant and proportionate way in all recovery planning and governance arrangements.

  • Engage with the sector and with communities through existing VCFSE sector networks and representative bodies.

  • Ensure VCFSE services and support offers are embedded in the CV-19 response through the living with Covid and build back better periods.

In terms of strengthening support for a resilient VCFSE sector in the future, recommendations include:

  • Work with VCFSE leaders across LCR to describe a sustainable VCFSE ‘ecosystem’ which outlasts the current emergency.

  • Support the strengthening of volunteer management and coordination capacity.

  • Use the voice and reach of the public sector to give a platform for the VCFSE sector’s successes and concerns.

  • LCR public sector organisations should support the financial and business security of the sector both directly and indirectly.

The full report can be viewed here.


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