Toward a vision and strategy for a sustainable and affordable food plan for the LCR

Following on from our VCFSE Assembly on Sustainable and Affordable Food, VS6 are pleased to publish six recommendations based on feedback from this event.

These can be found in the document below:

Toward a vision and strategy for a sustainable and affordable food plan for the LCR

We are now seeking views and responses to these recommendations ahead of sharing these with the Combined Authority, Local Authorities and others. Please complete and share the survey below to give your views, no later than Friday 4th December 2020.

Complete the Survey

The VCFSE Sustainable and Affordable Food Assembly was attended by representatives from over 80 organisations from across the Liverpool City Region. Further events have been held regarding Mental Health, Children & Young People, Vulnerable & Shielding People and Inequalities . The results of these events can be found below.

Mental Health VCFSE Sector Assembly Report

VCFSE Equalities Assembly Report

Building On: Finding a Better Way to Support Carers, and Shielded and Vulnerable People in LCR

Build Back Better: Recommendations for a Six Point Children and Young People Recovery Plan


VS6 NAVCA Liasion Award Nomination Video


Councillor Kate Groucutt joins our VS6 partnership meeting