Lead VCFSE Sector Advocate appointed to role of Joint Vice Chair of the Cheshire & Merseyside Health Care Partnership (HCP)

Following an extensive recruitment process Rev. Canon Dr Ellen Loudon has been successful in being appointed to the post of Joint Vice Chair of the Cheshire & Merseyside Health & Care Partnership (HCP). The role of Joint Vice Chair is a key component of the administrative structures of the HCP and will most importantly be representing and advocating for the whole of the VCFSE across Cheshire & Merseyside.

The VCFSE sector is seen as a key component of the health and care system across Cheshire & Merseyside and this role will create vital relationships and connections into the system to ensure both engagement and involvement as the emerging HCP structures continually develop.

Ellen brings a wealth of the VCFSE sector experience to the partnerships and is currently the independent chair of the VS6 Partnership, VS6 is a partnership of CVS infrastructure organisations and other thematic support organisations working across Liverpool City Region to secure sector representation and act as lead voice for the sector.

Ellen has served as LCR Metro Mayoral Advisor for the VCFSE sector and sat as a non-voting cabinet member for Steve Rotherham’s first term in office. She has extensive experience of chairing various boards that focus on, and aim to tackle, wider determinants of poverty and health inequalities, including:  Fairness and Social Justice Advisory Board (FASJAB) on behalf of Steve Rotherham and the LCR CA Poverty and Life Chances Action Group and was a member of the Northwest Serious Organised Crime Strategy Group.

Ellen said: “I am very much looking forward to joining the HCP as co-vice-chair. The vision of the HCP and the substantial learning that is occurring as the process of change emerges is impressive. I am excited about being part of this change, and learning alongside trusted colleagues in Cheshire and Merseyside, how to effectively navigate new ways of working that will benefit all. What is of particular interest is how the collaborative patterns of integration are being fostered and how the VCFSE in Cheshire and Merseyside can be at the heart of this.”


Public invited to share views on Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Strategy


Expression of interest- Beyond programme: Engagement/Co-production Partner