#LCRCares grant funding delivering by VS6 shows positive impact to date

In September last year the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority announced a £480,000 grant fund for the VCFSE sector following on from the successful #LCRCares grant funding administered during the COVID-19 pandemic. This latest round of #LCRCares funding is being delivered by the VS6 Partnership and administered with our partner, Community Foundation for Merseyside.

In March 2022, following a period of grant development with the Combined Authority and a review of place insights and priority areas, the VS6 Partnership launched two grant programmes:

·       Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund - £140,000

o   Supporting VCFSE organisations that are helping vulnerable adults impacted by poor mental health and wellbeing based within their local community.

·       Community Wealth Building Fund - £90,000

o   Supporting VCFSE organisations to rebuild the connection between people and places that create wealth locally, providing catalyst grants for capacity building for locally owned community groups.

Following an application and panel process both grant programmes have been awarded to 50 VCFSE organisations and projects across LCR (33 Mental Health, 17 Community Wealth Building) with funding spread as equitably as possible across the 6 boroughs.

All funded projects are due to complete by June 2023, with some projects having already completed showing significantly positive results such as the mental health and wellbeing grants projects which have so far reached and impacted our diverse communities across the City Region including:

·       A mental health course to support men to overcome barriers, reduce social isolation and move closer to employment

·       One-to-one life coaching for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

·       Health and wellbeing activities with refugee and asylum seeker families and individuals and the development of community through these activities

·       Bereavement counselling support for women with sessions delivered face-to-face and remotely

·       A day trip for a men’s group to share experiences and talk openly about mental health issues

Some quotes from beneficiaries of this funding highlight the impact of how small grants can really impact positively on people’s lives:

“Overall the program has given me a much clearer idea of what I want out of life, and how I need to go about reaching those goals”

“I have been able to start volunteering and have updated my portfolio with new work for the first time in years. I’m now much better equipped to handle things that most people probably take for granted such as knowing how many hours I can work a day before getting too tired”

“Counselling made me feel comfortable and reassured that all of my ridiculous feelings weren’t ridiculous but valid, expected and understandable”

Rev Canon Dr Ellen Loudon, Independent Chair of VS6, said:

It is clear that the projects funded as part of the #LCRCares grant funding have already made a huge difference to the lives and wellbeing of the beneficiaries involved already, and is a great example of the Combined Authority recognising the importance and power of the VCFSE sector in Liverpool City Region. We look forward to hearing more positive experiences and outcomes as the funded projects continue.”


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