Children & Young People Report Published

Following our Children and Young People VCFSE Sector Assembly on 27th May 2020, VS6 is pleased to publish a report “Build Back Better: Recommendations for a Six Point Children and Young People Recovery Plan”.

This report is based on the discussions at that event and was the subject of consultation with the sector. It outlines six recommendations as follows:

  1. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE RECOVER: Assess and address impact of crisis on children and young people

  2. CLOSING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: Assess and address the impact of digital exclusion on children and young people

  3. DELIVERING THE DAY JOB: Support VCFSE children and young people organisations to recover

  4. RESILIENCE REVIEW: Review what’s worked and what’s not for C&YP VCFSE delivery organisations in wave 1 of COVID-19

  5. YOUNG PEOPLE’S PRESS: Promote good news stories about YP and youth work

  6. INVESTMENT AND FLEXIBILITY: LCR review of investment in children and young people’s services

The report with now be shared with the Mayor’s office and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, along with other key partners and stakeholders in the region. Reports for the other VS6 Assemblies will follow shortly.

You can download the report here.


COVID-19 Community Research: Understanding Unmet Need survey


VS6 to host a series of online Assembly Events