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VS6 Assembly part 1 of 2 - Sector Consultation on Draft VCFSE Manifesto

The VS6 Partnership would like to invite you to our Liverpool City Region VCFSE Draft Manifesto 2021-2024 Consultation assemblies taking place on Monday 8th March and Monday 22nd March 2021.

The purpose of this event is to share with you our 2021 – 2024 VCFSE manifesto for the City Region and to gather your views and feedback on the manifesto in advance of the upcoming LCR Metro Mayoral elections in May. The manifesto has been developed following VS6’s sector engagement over the past few years, drawing out key areas and recommendations for action from publications developed following various events held with the sector to ensure that the manifesto is produced in collaboration with those it represents.

At our VCFSE Manifesto Assembly events we will be asking for your input to further develop the manifesto to ensure that it reflects the kind of city region we want to see for our VCFSE organisations, beneficiaries, and communities.

There are two events, each dealing with a different section of the manifesto to ensure that there is enough time to go through each section in enough detail. The first event on the 8th will deal with the first two sections around developing a healthy and sustainable VCFSE ecosystem and driving inclusive economy principles for the sector. The second event on the 22nd will deal with the final section on championing our communities.

Following this, we will formulate a final draft of the manifesto with a further chance to endorse and sign up to the final version before we ask the LCR Metro Mayor candidates to commit to its implementation at a Mayoral Hustings event later in April.


July 1

VS6 Mental Health VCFSE Assembly

March 22

VS6 Assembly part 2 of 2 - Sector Consultation on Draft VCFSE Manifesto