The VS6 Draft Manifesto 2021-24

We are pleased to announce that the draft manifesto for the VCFSE sector in Liverpool City Region is now available to read in advance of the Consultation events taking place on Monday 8th March and Monday 22ndMarch.

This draft manifesto has been developed following VS6’s sector engagement over the past few years, drawing on key areas and recommendations for action from publications developed following various VS6 events held with the sector. 

There are 12 manifesto asks in total which are split into the following main headings:

  1. A Healthy VCFSE Ecosystem

  2. Driving an Inclusive Economy

  3. Championing our Communities

At our VCFSE Manifesto Assembly events we will be asking participants for their input to further develop the manifesto to ensure that it reflects the kind of city region we want to see for our VCFSE organisations, beneficiaries, and communities. The first of the two events will cover the first two areas of the manifesto, and the second event will cover the final area with attendees split into breakout rooms to discuss and provide feedback in order to strengthen the manifesto. 

Following these events, we will formulate a final draft of the manifesto with a further chance to endorse and sign up to the final version before asking the LCR Metro Mayor candidates to commit to its implementation at a Mayoral Hustings event later in April.

Sign up here to attend the manifesto consultations.


Independent Chair of Kindred's Board


Sector Consultation on Draft VCFSE Manifesto